Saturday, July 11, 2009

Public Faith

Hermanne Sasse rightly pointed out concerning the confession of the Church that an individual Christian never truly has a private confession of faith. It is always accompanied by the whole Church. It is public. The entire Church, hidden under the Word and Sacraments, confesses together the grace and love of God we find in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Tune of "I Know My Faith Is Founded" by E. Neumeister

My faith is never private
The whole Church looks to Christ her Lord
And to His death and merit
The Saint confesses God's pure Word
When failing, we are given
The means of grace which save
Where we hear Christ is risen
He conquered o'er the grave.
And baptized we're forgiven
We've put on Christ our Lord
His blood and body given
For us! Our souls restored!

This next stanza speaks of the arrogance of the World and Christ's love still yearning for the their salvation.

The World is very evil
It hates the truth of Christ our Lord
It boasts of its own free will
They claim they know Christ's loving Word
But they know not of Jesus
Through whom salvation lies
With gospel He does lead us
To meet Him in the skies
The World wants no such cover
It bears selfrighteousness
Regardless, Christ did suffer
And bore the World's distress

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